What our customers say about us
The Dürr Dental Company

The Dürr Dental company originally founded by the brothers Karl and Wilhelm Dürr stands as a world leader in technical progress, innovation and quality in products used for dental surgery. The headquarters are located in Bietigheim-Bissingen near Stuttgart, Germany, which itself is in the middle of the high-tech area Baden-Württemberg. Dürr Dental has an annual turnover of €200M Euros with more than 1000 employees worldwide.
The former CAD Tool
Dürr Dental used Mentor’s PADS PowerPCB systems for many years in the product development and PCB Layout departments. These systems gave good service, but when the need came to expand and purchase additional licenses the company decided to investigate whether an alternative PCB Design and Layout product might offer a more economic solution.
New Software
After an extensive investigation to find a possible alternative, the Pulsonix product was introduced to Dürr Dental. This offered an immediate advantage in that all the data from the former system. Libraries, Schematic designs and PCB layouts could be converted to a Pulsonix readable format.
Also, both the initial purchase prices and ongoing support costs were immediately attractive. However, in exercising caution Dürr Dental purchased an initial license to both thoroughly test the software and gauge the quality of after sales service and customer care. After 6 months, all users were confident that Pulsonix could be introduced throughout the organisation to completely replace the Mentor systems. In particular the users were surprised and impressed by the policy of fast response to customer queries by the support team at Pulsonix.
Experiences with Pulsonix
Today Pulsonix is in daily use at Dürr Dental with many of the facilities within Pulsonix being used constantly. For example the documentation is an important part in the workflow – design dimensions, text callouts, drill tables and user reports are part of the daily output from Pulsonix as well as import and export of DXF, IDF and ODB++ data.

The design engineers moved from Mentor without difficulty and were able to work without requesting assistance in a relatively short time span. New employees and trainees are able to learn the product quickly and can usually produce schematic designs soon after completing training, without the need for close supervision.
Reports are created in the development department for the purchasing department, manufacturing process and expenditure calculations. Also, the technical documentation is created automatically and can be generated completely in the Pulsonix environment.
Diploma engineer Peter Goerlich, Chief electronic development department at Dürr Dental says: “On Pulsonix, high density boards with 8 layers and 0.3mm µVias are being designed as well as power electronics“.
“With an interface to our MCAD product - Solidworks, a 3D board can be forwarded to the mechanical department to generate an enclosure long before the first board is manufactured. This has helped a lot in shortening our development lead-times and is saving the company money“.
“We are moving forward with Pulsonix and the next stage is to connect Pulsonix with our corporate database using the Pulsonix Database Connection (PDC) product. This will make our processes even more efficient, resulting is additional savings for Dürr Dental.”
Peter GoerlichWe are moving forward with Pulsonix and the next stage is to connect Pulsonix with our corporate database using the Pulsonix Database Connection (PDC) product...
Dürr Dental GmbH & Co KG