Pulsonix Spice Simulation
Spice Simulation for your designs
Fully integrated, Spice A/D simulation interface to all popular Spice simulators
Integrated A/D Mixed-mode Simulation
Using the integrated interface, export a unique Spice netlist and run the Spice simulator engine without leaving Pulsonix. Netlists can be directly imported into the Spice simulator without using their SCM engine.
Fully Integrated Library
Use the same library for Simulation, Schematic Capture and PCB Design, there is no need for additional or separate libraries when switching between each process.
Working with LTSpice
Not only can you drive the LTSpice simulator directly from the Pulsonix Schematic but a Spice library is also supplied for you to use. This delivers sources and various probes.
LTSpice Sources
Sources within the suplplied LTSpice Pulsonix library can be accessed in your design using functional dialogs from where properties and analysis selection can be defined.