Environmental, Social & Governance

Environmentally Responsible


WestDev Ltd holds a strong belief that we as people of this planet should not only look after ourselves today, but also our children of the future. We recognise the impact of our business activities and as such we have set the following objectives to ensure our continued positive contribution to the world’s sustainability and local community.


  • Energy and Carbon: Continually seek initiatives that will help to reduce its carbon emissions. In addition to this, we are also a full adopter of the Government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment Scheme and continually measure and monitor carbon emissions from energy consumption.
  • Water: Constantly monitors its water usage and looks at means to reduce its consumption.
  • Travel: The WestDev Ltd headquarters are available by public transport and we encourage and make available schemes to all employees to promote sustainable travel where possible.
  • Delivery: In 2013, WestDev Ltd introduced a sustainability first approach to delivery of its products, this means the entire product range is delivered digitally.
  • Waste Management: Wherever possible, we abide by the eithics to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover.


  • Communication: Encourage all employees and associates to communicate via the most sustainable methods where possible.
  • Engagement and Education: Create awareness and engage with employees to create new initiatives to help reduce its carbon footprint.
  • Community Investment: Regularly invest in local and national charities to help support people of all ages, from all walks of life. This takes the form of financial, staff participation and product contribution.
  • Team: Employees regularly take part in charitable events and as a company we actively promote and support every member in their charitable quest.
  • customers: To maintain high level of product support to customers which is monitored through engagement.
  • Suppliers: Source suppliers locally who are paid the real living wage and engage with companies who are in line with our ESG values and goals.


  • Transparency and Accoutability: To Stakeholders, Shareholders, Employees and Customers.
  • Internal Controls: Robust financial reporting procedures and annual audit to guarantee the accuracy and transparency of financial statements.
  • Organisational Structure: Run a well-designed organisational structure for a clear overview of roles and responsibilities to ensure that each team member has a manageable workload and understands how their actions contribute to the overall success whilst maintaining team morale and wellbeing.
  • Compliance: Established and maintained policies, procedures and risk assessments in place to ensure a clear understanding and welfare of Stakeholders.

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