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 Problem using variants with database connection

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pdr Posted - 03 Nov 2017 : 15:21:56
Since our last upgrade to Pulsonix 9.1 (build 6870) we are experiencing problems with the use of variants in combination with out (access) database connection.

procedure to reproduce the problem:

Use a new design and create two variants via 'setup variants'
place a new component from database
edit component properties, select advanced view
enter data under shared identifier:
variant 1: instance a, attribute a
variant 2: instance a, attribute b
click apply
for variant 2: right click on database partnumber, select 'change database part'
select a different part from database (with same footprint as variant 1), click change

Problem: component (database partnumber) for second variant does not change !

Is anyone else experiencing these problems ?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve Posted - 16 Nov 2017 : 12:49:16
Yes it would be

Pulsonix Assistance
pdr Posted - 16 Nov 2017 : 11:54:10
Hi steve,

I tested the fix and it seems to work perfectly.
thanks for your support.
Will the fix be available in the next software update ?
steve Posted - 13 Nov 2017 : 15:05:31
The fix for 43346 is within this DLL set. This DLL set must only be installed into a V9.1 6870 install folder:


Pulsonix Assistance
steve Posted - 06 Nov 2017 : 11:30:59
This is already logged as 43346.

Regarding your description, there is no need to go to Advanced View and alter instance and Attribute data, as the act of part replacement should do this for you.

Pulsonix Assistance