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 Apply Vias Bug

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
georg.schmidt Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 16:06:12

I think there's a little bug in the "Apply Vias" function.
The via spacing is not done properly. If I use the function on a template with the settings you can see in the attached image, I get a spacing of 5.1mm between the vias (center to center) instead of 2.0mm.

Georg Schmidt

btw: The "upload a file" function of this forum is not working...
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve Posted - 07 Oct 2013 : 16:59:32
Hello Georg..

Please use the support@pulsonix.com email for this so that I can converse directly with you. I have emulated your settings here and all looks fine...

Distance: 2.600
X: 2.600
Y: 0.000
Angle: 0.0

Distance: 2.000
X: 2.000
Y: 0.000
Angle: 0.0

Distance: 2.000
X: 2.000
Y: 0.000
Angle: 0.0

Spacing: 0.000

Please forward your design and details of which template to me via the above email address.

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