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 Orthogonal Spokes doesn't seem to work

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ErikT Posted - 16 Dec 2013 : 09:37:25

I have a footprint that has some rather large, rectangular pads. The pads are connected to some templates with 12 spokes each. Setting the Orthogonal Spokes feature in DFM/DFT Rules doesn't make a difference – the spokes are still angled towards the center of the pads. See attached screen shot.

What could be the reason for this?

Br, E

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ErikT Posted - 18 Dec 2013 : 14:20:10
Problem solved! (By Steve, not by me)

Delete the attribute rule and create it again. That's it.

Thank you, Steve!
steve Posted - 17 Dec 2013 : 11:22:15
Yes please send through the design.

Pulsonix Assistance
ErikT Posted - 17 Dec 2013 : 11:01:31
Hi Steve,

Yes, the thermals have the attribute StrongThermal – in order to give them 12 spokes. The attribute doesn't have a value, though. But as far as I know, a value shouldn't be necessary. Should I send some more details, or do you want the whole design?

Btw, the pad is a 95 × 133 thou rectangle, with a 32 × 70 thou oval hole.

Br, E
steve Posted - 17 Dec 2013 : 08:22:18

Can I assume that you have placed the attribute on the pads? I have created a test piece myself with a large pad, not sure the details of your pad, and it behaves as I would expect, using settings like those shown in your picture.

Pulsonix Assistance