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 Connection remain after track drawing

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
walterb Posted - 22 Sep 2014 : 11:36:02
Sometimes after track drawing the connection is still visualized see the picture:

Image Insert:

313.64 KB

to eliminate this you should take the component with connection, move it slightly and release it:

Image Insert:

137.13 KB

It would be possible to avoid this?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
walterb Posted - 11 Nov 2014 : 10:55:40
The Optimisation works. <CTRL+o>

steve Posted - 22 Sep 2014 : 15:08:28
I would suggest in such a situation try optimisation. Without interrogating the design detail I am unable to comment further.

Pulsonix Assistance
walterb Posted - 22 Sep 2014 : 14:55:21
I completely manually routed the net.

After finishing it remain the connection.

No optimization.

steve Posted - 22 Sep 2014 : 13:50:15

Did you try Optimise either globally or on that single net?

Pulsonix Assistance