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 Spacing Rules Report

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HarryHirn Posted - 18 Jan 2022 : 09:44:22

i want to create a report that includes my nets, which class they belong to and which spacing rules apply to the design.

i couldnt figure out how to include the Spacing Rules (any Level) to a report.

I am interested in the track to track, smd pad to track etc spacing rules.

The included Technology Report contains those information but i cannot copy from that included report.

Thanks for any help.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HarryHirn Posted - 18 Jan 2022 : 10:20:37
yeah, i found that already, but i cant find the spacing rules in there
jameshead Posted - 18 Jan 2022 : 10:06:38
In report maker you have "List of Rules" where you can add various values including:

Rule Name
Rule Condition
Rule Values
