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 Define Pad Shape

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KMC500 Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 16:23:31
I am creating a pad that has two drill appetures, as defined by the compoennt datasheet. I am creating a Pad shape which cosists of outline, and two inner drill shapes.

I am greeted with:
"Pad style has more than one hole shape defined (layer <Drill Shape>)

Any ideas on how to get around this?

Thanks in advance,

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jameshead Posted - 01 Mar 2021 : 14:00:46
Sounds similar to one I created before for some magnetic device.
In my case I used an oval pad with a drill offset in one foci of the oval, and a mounting hole, round, with drill hole at the other foci of the oval. As Lewis, says, make the mounting pad and the normal pad part of the same net.

(Yes, I realise ovals aren't elipses and don't have foci, but it seemed the best way to describe what I meant!)
lewism@pulsonix.com Posted - 01 Mar 2021 : 12:37:08
Hi George

Currently only one drill hole however you could put a mounting hole in alongside it. You can put the pad and mounting hole on the same net in the symbol, so they will always be on the same net.

I hope this helps.

georg.schmidt Posted - 26 Feb 2021 : 15:09:05
I currently have a similar Pad I want to define.
One Pad, two drill holes.
Has there been a solution in the meantime?

steve Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 17:22:10
Could you supply the datasheet please to support@pulsonix.com?

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