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 How to show soldermask on the 3D viewer?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RArmstrong Posted - 09 Feb 2023 : 11:51:08
I am struggling to work out if there is a way to show the soldermask on the 3D viewer. I have a soldermask layer but it comes up under silkscreen on the 3D viewer and is not inverted like it would be on a manufactured board?

Any help with this would be great, thanks!
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lewism@pulsonix.com Posted - 18 Dec 2024 : 17:05:57
Hi Willy,

Could you please send the design and issue to us at support@pulsonix.com and I can investigate further for you.

willyschuhdouglas Posted - 18 Dec 2024 : 15:50:09

Sorry to pick up an old topic but
I am also struggling with a similar problem. We want to use Pulsonix for thickfilm Projects. In thickfilm there are no inner layer because the board is made of ceramic. All the layers are printed on top of the Board. Because of that we defined a few inner layers instead. In 3D View I can see only the top and bottom layer. None of the inner layer nor non-electrical isolation layer are visible. layer classes and layers are checked in 3D Settings.
We are using the newest Version of Pulsonix
All the best, Willy
RArmstrong Posted - 09 Feb 2023 : 12:48:21
Originally posted by lewism@pulsonix.com


Which version and build of Pulsonix are you currently using?


Hi, I am currently using Pulsonix 12.0 Build 8944 x64
lewism@pulsonix.com Posted - 09 Feb 2023 : 12:16:50

Which version and build of Pulsonix are you currently using?
