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 using the RunReport command

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pdr Posted - 16 Aug 2018 : 15:15:04
I seem to have a problem running e user report from my script.
The command I use is
Document.RunReport("21_PCB_HVE_Comp list ass","c:\Temp")

this returns the following erro message :
Cannot use parenthesis when calling a Sub
Src: Microsoft VBScript compilation error
Line 102 Error:0 Scode:800a0414

Has anyone else succesfully used this command?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pdr Posted - 17 Aug 2018 : 07:48:18
Thank you for the response.
Now it works fine!

I have used other commands without the 'call' without problems so I am supprised I did not get any error before.

My next challenge is to convert the output .csv report to an excell .xlsx file

Originally posted by psxforum

Usual convention when using VB is to leave out the parentheses:

Document.RunReport "21_PCB_HVE_Comp list ass","c:\Temp"

or prefix the sub with the Call command:

call Document.RunReport("21_PCB_HVE_Comp list ass","c:\Temp")

Just one of those odd things you have to do!

psxforum Posted - 16 Aug 2018 : 16:47:56
Usual convention when using VB is to leave out the parentheses:

Document.RunReport "21_PCB_HVE_Comp list ass","c:\Temp"

or prefix the sub with the Call command:

call Document.RunReport("21_PCB_HVE_Comp list ass","c:\Temp")

Just one of those odd things you have to do!