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8 Posts |
Posted - 03 Mar 2025 : 15:08:28
Edited. Please see my edit at the bottom.
This is probably the most confused post I've ever written. It is about a graphics issue that Pulsonix may be directly or indirectly a part of. I have bothered Lewis (the official support guy) with it, and thought that it was fixed. But sadly it isn't quite fixed yet.
Background I use a Thinkpad T16 as my primary office/lab computer. It has a 12th generation Intel processor and 32 GB RAM. Plenty of SSD space. Around New Year, I allowed Microsoft to "upgrade" from Windows 10 to Windows 11.
As I don't like the Windows 11 start menu at all, I installed a free tool called Explorer Patcher, which among other things make a Windows 10 style start menu. This may have something to do with the troubles. Or maybe it doesn't.
When I needed to use Pulsonix after the Windows upgrade, trouble emerged. Some software tools performed very badly when Pulsonix was running. A bit like stuttering, or playing a game on a waaay too slow computer. Among the affected tools were Acrobat Reader and the Snipping Tool. Acrobat Reader could hardly scroll, making it very inefficient to find anything in a datasheet.
The snipping tool would likewise be very slow to work with, pausing for several seconds every time I did something. Moving the window around on the screen was extremely clunky and un-smooth. World of Warcraft was completely unplayable. (This was just a test – I normally don't design PCBs and play games at the same time.)
Other software tools seemed to be completely unaffected. Foxit Reader, for instance, had no problems loading and scrolling pdf files at high velocity. Also the eDrawings 3D viewer worked nicely, being able to rotate objects at break-neck speeds.
Troubleshoothing I can't even remember how many things I've tried. But the hardware related drivers have all been upgraded to the latest version. Windows is the latest version as well. So far, I have found only two things that helped:
1. Removing Explorer Patcher. This made such a big difference, that I initially thought that the problem was solved, and I told Lewis this. However, some of the problems seem to persist – only less pronounced. Acrobat Reader seems to work fine now, and I can play WoW at about 60 frames per second. But the Snipping Tool and other software tools are still affected.
2. Using only one monitor. By this, I don't mean disabling the Multi-Screen support in Pulsonix. I mean only using the computer's own monitor, or only one external monitor.
Status at the moment When Pulsonix is not running, my computer runs great. No significant lag. Windows (the windows in the software tools – not the OS) open and close quickly, with no excessive delays. When I move windows around, the follow the movements of the mouse very smoothly. Also when I use two monitors.
However, when I have Pulsonix running, things begin to lag. Some things – not all. When I wove a window across the screen (some, not all), I can almost feel the "clack-clack-clack" when the window rattles along, making about three to five clumsy jumps per second. Sometimes even the mouse pointer alone moves like this.
When I perform an action in Libre Office that requires a pop-up window to open, I can wait about four-five seconds for it to open. And to close.
A really strange – and repeatable – weirdness is, that if I drag the Snipping Tool around and a around continuously for a few seconds, then it suddenly stops stuttering, and begins to move smoothly. If I switch focus to another window, and then return to the Snipping Tool, it begins to stutter again.
If I close Pulsonix, the problem is immediately gone.
I have made a complete reinstallation of Pulsonix. No difference.
Today I wondered if Explorer Patcher had corrupted part of Windows Explorer, and if that could be the cause. So I ran DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) and SFC (System File Checker) to make repairs if needed. No difference.
I have turned Pulsonix' hardware acceleration to Low and to High. No difference.
One of the many things that I find strange is that while some software tools are very visibly affected by the presence of Pulsonix, Pulsonix itself runs absolutely fine.
I don't get it. And I'm running out of stuff to try, besides making a full reinstall of Windows 11 (and, subsequently, all the software...)
So my questions to you, fellow Pulsonix users: Has any of you experienced something like what I've described here? Does anyone have any ideas about what to try?
This is a screenshot of the Resource Monitor, immediately after I've been dragging the Snipping Tool around in its stuttering way:
Image Insert:
 60.53 KB
I don't think that the computer looks horribly overloaded, and Pulsonix doesn't use an excessive amount of CPU power.
Edit: It would seem that I was wrong about the dual monitor observation. It doesn't matter which monitors are in use, or how many. The problem persists. I don't know how I made this mistake. Perhaps the criteria for the problem to emerge weren't present when I tested earlier. |
Edited by - ErikT on 03 Mar 2025 15:33:55 |
United Kingdom
126 Posts |
Posted - 03 Mar 2025 : 15:43:03
I am using Pulsonix 13, latest build on a Lenova Thinkpad 21FD, P16v with 32Gb memory and Windows 11 (upgrade from Windows 10).
I don't see any issues, sorry. |
8 Posts |
Posted - 04 Mar 2025 : 08:06:38
quote: Originally posted by jameshead
I am using Pulsonix 13, latest build on a Lenova Thinkpad 21FD, P16v with 32Gb memory and Windows 11 (upgrade from Windows 10).
I don't see any issues, sorry.
Thanks. No need to be sorry. If a multitude of people don't have this problem, and none but me do, then it is very unlikely to be something inherent to Pulsonix vs. Windows 11.
So if people are running Pulsonix on Windows 11 on a laptop computer, with no issues, then I would be interested in hearing about that as well. For statistical purposes.
If I manage to solve it, I will obviously post the solution here. |
27 Posts |
Posted - 07 Mar 2025 : 08:22:31
This might be totally unrelated to your problem, but we've seen some performance issues with Pulsonix and anti-virus software.
Have to tried white-listing Pulsonix.exe in your anti-virus? That's what fixed our performance issues. |
Edited by - feynman on 07 Mar 2025 09:15:13 |
8 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2025 : 09:33:33
quote: Originally posted by feynman
This might be totally unrelated to your problem, but we've seen some performance issues with Pulsonix and anti-virus software.
Have to tried white-listing Pulsonix.exe in your anti-virus? That's what fixed our performance issues.
Thank you for your suggestion. Sorry, I have been distracted from reading responses for quite a while, but I will definitely look into this. |
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