Some footprints, like the layer box, use inner layers in the library. While top and bottom layers are matched by property, the inner layers seem to be matched by name only? Our designs don't have a consistent pattern for inner layer names - most of the designs have an unique set of layer names.
Do I have to create a new footprint with other layer names for every design or is there a clever way to match inner layers?
The strategy for consistency within Pulsonix is the management of Technology files. These files, used throughout the process, standardise designs so allowing items to be added to designs with ease. Designs created with Technologies providing the same standardisation as items in the Libraries ensure consistency.
To answer your question, due to the above approach, there is no 'mapping' capability so if you use inconsistent layer setup, you will need the library items to match. A workaround could be to change the design stack-up to add the doc symbol, then change it back. A log 40871 has been raised for the suggestion of being able to map symbol inner layer data to design layers on Add Doc Symbol.