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2 Posts

Posted - 22 May 2017 :  07:31:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hallo all

Is there an (easy) way to ask the user for values (numbers or strings) within a Python script - something like the Message Method in the Application Object but with input capabilities?

Also the askinteger function from the tkinter.simpledialog package would be fine, but it seams tkinter is not supported here (at least pulsonix scripting rises an error in the line tkinter shall be imported)...



4 Posts

Posted - 21 Mar 2024 :  11:38:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Not sure if this is still an issue?

But python scripting with tkinter is running without any problems (except some issues with python scripting generally :-) ).

Attached you can find a screenshot from my python Pick&Place Export Script including a full GUI made with tkinter.

Image Insert:

118.85 KB

if you have any questions on how to get it running, feel free to ask.
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