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 Export all technology settings in readable format
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125 Posts

Posted - 13 Jun 2017 :  13:01:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
At the moment Pulsonix allows exporting and importing some of the technology settings in CSV format. It would be great to be able to export/import all technology settings in a human-readable form (e.g. CSV, XML). That would allow easy technology settings synchronization between projects, project templates etc.

Edited by - cioma on 13 Jun 2017 16:18:57


11 Posts

Posted - 13 Jun 2017 :  17:32:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Why do you need a "readable" format? You can export/import technology settings using "Save Technology" and "Load Technology" anytime. As far as I know, there will be more detailed control options for these commands in version 9.1. This should satisfy your needs and this is how we do it.
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125 Posts

Posted - 14 Jun 2017 :  10:18:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, a more refined control for technology export/import is useful but still it's hell of a task to synchronize only necessary settings if they are in binary format (I tried it myself).

For example, I keep a set of reference CAM plots in a "golden" technology file, this set got updated and adjusted while I was doing several layout projects. Now I need to update CAM plots in all layout projects with the reference CAM plots. The problem is that number of layers (hence plot names for copper layers) are different between boards. Also enabled/disabled layers are different (e.g. some boards has blind and buried vias so appropriate Excellon plots need to be enabled). Same applies to stackup definitions.

So if technology settings were in a text format I could easily synchronize them using diff tools (e.g. WinDiff).
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