Would it be possible to create such feature request?
My use case is as follows. I need to implement a system for alternative components in my designs. Each component in my PDC has a corporate partnumber attribute that is unique for each component. I'd like to add an "Alternatives" attribute to appropriate symbols in schematic and fill its value with a comma-separated list of corporate partnumbers of alternative components. And then use Report Maker to create a BOM CSV file with an "Alternatives" column that shall contain a comma-separated list of alternative manufacturer partnumbers
Well, I need to define alternatives on schematic level, not on library level. Therefore adding "Common" attribute in PDC (or Part) that contains alternatives is not an option for me.
Here is an example of what I need.
In PDC I have these entries: <Corporate Partnumber> <Manufacturer Partnumber> 000033 RC0402FR-071KL 000087 ERJ-2RKF1001X 000112 CRG0402F1K0
In schematic I instantiate component with Corporate Partnumber 000033 and manually add attribute "Alternatives" with value "000087,000112".
Then I use Report Maker to create design BOM in CSV format. I can retrieve value from "Alternatives" attribute and split in into a list. But now I need to go through this list in Report Maker and retrieve Manufacturer Partnumber from PDC for each component in the list.
Yes, I can fill "Alternatives" attribute with "ERJ-2RKF1001X,CRG0402F1K0" value instead but then I lose synchronization between alternatives in schematic and components in PDC.