To reduce problems from spammers and other trouble-makers, membership of this Forum is moderated. This means that we have to actively approve each member before they can begin posting on the Forum.
Usually it's fairly obvious which applications come from an automated system, but if you have an email address that looks unusual, please at least pick a user name that isn't too offbeat, as it will make the administrators job easier. Also include a real name as well and as much other personal information as you feel able to give. Very few fake applications include a real name, and there are usually other small clues that help us decide if they're genuine.
Once you have completed your initial registration, this will be flagged up on our system so that the moderators can approve your application. Assuming your application is approved, you should get an email requesting that you respond with confirmation of your application to join the Forum.
If you get no such email response within a few days, it's possible that your application for membership looked like an automated one, and was declined. In that case, please send an email to <> so we know that you're really a prospective user. You'll also need to re-apply, but the second time round you should be approved.
Once you receive the automated email informing you that your application has been approved, please don't ignore it! You need to log on to the forum to validate your membership. Generally speaking, if that isn't done within a fortnight, you'll be sent a reminder. If we still don't hear from you, your approval will be reversed, so your application will be declined. That's one of our protections in case we accidentally approve a plausible fake membership.
Please note also that moderators don't work round the clock, so it may take a day or so to approve your registration, particularly if you attempt to register during a weekend.