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 Error "not configured to run"
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United Kingdom
66 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2020 :  15:25:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Recently some of you may have encountered an error message "The operating system is not presently configured to run this application" when trying to do something related to Components (e.g. Replace Part) in the Pulsonix application.

The most likely cause of this is a fault that was accidentally introduced by Microsoft in a recent update of Office. Apparently they are working on a fix, but this has so far failed to appear. The fault affects Pulsonix when anything is done using the Database Connection, so if you see this error and have that option enabled then this could be the reason.

The workaround is to make a change to the ODBC driver settings in Pulsonix.

- On the PDC (Database) bar go to Setup
- Where it lists the connection type, click Change
- Choose Microsoft Access File
- Click Advanced
- For the ODBC Driver Name choose “Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)”

This should force the application to use this specific ODBC driver which appears not to have been affected by this Microsoft fault.


United Kingdom
63 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2020 :  15:52:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The info in this post is only relevant when a Microsoft Access database is being used. Some users use PDC with other types of database, SQL Server, Oracle etc. and so it is not relevant to these users.

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