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 Soldermask bridge width DRC
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45 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2020 :  09:28:43  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Is there a way to restrict minimum solder mask bridge width and/or verify that during DRC?

Too thin soldermask bridges can sometimes fall off and end up under a component lead, which often causes poor reflow or bad joint on that pin.


United Kingdom
126 Posts

Posted - 02 Dec 2020 :  16:46:25  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This something that a competant PCB Fabricator should already check for during their DRC checks within the CAM software they use for tooling the imported customer supplied data.

Having said that, the designer can help out by adjusting the soldermask where necessary on likely problem areas such as fine pitch QFPs.

Use the "By Layer" feature to adjust the size of the soldermask for the inner pins to remove the web between the pins and using a different sytle for these inner pins so they overlap each other; thereby ending up with a "block".

The alternative method is to simply draw a rectangle over the pads on the solder mask layer of course but the method I descibe ends up with single rectangular apertures that can be adjusted more easily by the fabricator.

I have uploaded an example footprint showing this.

Download Attachment: QFN49P50_700X700X100L40X25T536N_FTDI.zip
84.85 KB
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