i am working on a design that has a big area with "Copper Keep Out" set inside a template. Inside this area there again is a template which now should be poured again. I tried several ways of using an area to allow pouring again but i cant find any solution. A picture describes best, so i made a little example pcb.
The only but not elegant solution i know is drawing multiple areas or one surrounding area with complicated outline.
Maybe there is a simple solution like allowing copper pour again in this area?
There a couple of things you could do. Is the template in the centre to be the same net as the one on the outside?
METHOD 1, based on a quick way of getting what you want, from what you have already done.
1) In your existing design, right click the inner template and select EDIT and COPY.
2) Select the ARea for copper keep out, click INSERT and CUTOUT, click the right mouse button, select POLYGON, then type CRTL V for paste. You'll now have a cutout to deposit the same size as the template in the centre you want filled.
3) Select OFFSET and enter values of 0 for X and Y and OKAY.
You'll end up with two templates here, which could be different nets, but now you have created the cutout in the area you can remove the inner template if they need to be the same net.
METHOD 2 If you are starting from scratch and require the same net inside and out, just draw your keep out area, select it, use INSERT CUTOUT and draw your Polygon cut out.