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21 Posts

Posted - 05 Dec 2021 :  21:42:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
As pulsonix has so many settings ( and also the nature of inheritance ) , sometimes it is hard to find the property or setting to change, even when you know the topic it is related to or you barely remember the name of the setting.
So it would be usefull to have a filter that helps you to find all settings related to this topic or this word.
Similar, what is done in the part browser and other filter stuff already implemented in pulsonix.
e.g. dynamic redrawing of templates.
As I do not use this very often, I do not know where to find it in the technology tree, or was it in the design settings? or in the options?
Search, search, search....
Ah finally I found it in the Options->Interaction. There Templates "act poured" and "clear on edit" and "repour affected templates".

Hence, the find option within the online help does not help, because too much results pop up on the "template"

best regards,

Edited by - StefanThiel on 05 Dec 2021 21:50:15


United Kingdom
63 Posts

Posted - 06 Dec 2021 :  12:21:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your suggestion. It is logged on our system for review buy the Development team.

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