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 Using an Excel workbook in PDC
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United Kingdom
66 Posts

Posted - 09 Aug 2013 :  12:59:58  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you have an Excel workbook containing pages of component information, you can set this up so that it can be used as a database for the Pulsonix Database Connection.

Unfortunately the Excel ODBC driver requires some extra things to be done to the Excel workbook before the pages of data appear as 'tables' in PDC. Here is what you need to do for each page/worksheet in your Excel workbook:
  • Select the whole range of cells on the page that contain the data you want to 'see' in PDC
  • From the Insert menu, choose Name, then Define
  • Enter a suitable name for this range to appear as the table name in PDC (usually the name of the 'tab')
  • OK

Repeat this process for each page in the workbook, then Save the result. Now go to PDC Setup and you should see those named ranges appear as tables as you would expect.
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