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 Filters in database bar columns

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cioma Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 08:05:42
It would be great to have filters in database bar columns (like auto-filters in Google spreadsheets, Excel, Calc etc). It should allow entering search criteria, sorting, manual item filter selection etc. That would significantly improve user experience.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cioma Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 13:21:18
Thanks, Steve.
I have to say the PDC option makes designer's life way easier.
steve Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 12:49:38
Sure, others will now be aware also.

I have logged your enhancement in our system as suggestion log 40957.

Pulsonix Assistance
cioma Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 12:22:47
Sure, I'm aware of all that functionality, I was just proposing an enhancement :)
steve Posted - 21 Jul 2016 : 11:01:05
Any filtering on the database is achieved through adding a series of search criteria in the Database Bar, using the Add, Del, Clear and 'and' , 'or' options.

Double clicking on a column header sorts ascending/descending.

In setup of the tables the 'Interpret As' setting will define the sort criteria.

Please refer to Help - Database Connection Setup.

Pulsonix Assistance