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 Wish: jump to coordinates

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cioma Posted - 24 Aug 2016 : 12:47:38
It would be great to be able to jump mouse cursor to coordinates entered by user (e.g. when fixing hard to see unfinished items).
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tystephens Posted - 31 Jan 2017 : 11:51:15
This has now also been added to the shortcut/context menu which will be included in Version 9.1.
tystephens Posted - 24 Jan 2017 : 12:25:24
Find XY is also available as a command so you could always associate it to a key to save you clicking.

cioma Posted - 24 Aug 2016 : 13:57:52
Thanks, I didn't notice that :)
leon_heller Posted - 24 Aug 2016 : 13:03:50
Edit > Find > XY should do what you want.

Leon Heller