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 Copper on the Board Report

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Taseva Posted - 19 Jan 2018 : 11:37:42
does anyone know how I can generate a report about the copper on the board. I need a percentage (of the board outline) of all copper contained on each routing layer.
Thanks in advance,
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve Posted - 19 Jan 2018 : 16:09:06
So I see!

Try this please:


Pulsonix Assistance
Taseva Posted - 19 Jan 2018 : 15:48:24
Hello Steve,
I am receiving the Http Error 404.3 - Not found?
steve Posted - 19 Jan 2018 : 14:20:29
Just copy the whole link to your browser search bar when possible

Pulsonix Assistance
Taseva Posted - 19 Jan 2018 : 12:58:29
thanks a lot for the quick response.
Would it be possible to retype the link. I have no access at the moment.

Best Regards,
steve Posted - 19 Jan 2018 : 12:42:16
Hi.. This is done using the Shapes Area command within Report Maker.

To show you how it is used I have quickly created a report using this command for you. This report can be modified as much as you wish to make it your own, so to work out things like percentage.

It is available for a minimum of a week from here:

[now deleted]

Pulsonix Assistance