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 Creating Footprint

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Walter Nazarenus Posted - 08 Dec 2020 : 14:16:33
Hello there,
i try to create a new Part for the SFH 4726S. The actual footprint was not a big problem. But in the Datasheet they recommend a copper area around the footprint which should not be visable. I dont know how i insert these copper areas around the smd Pads. I attached a picture of the recommended footprint.

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2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bkamen Posted - 08 Dec 2020 : 20:02:30
Right - What Lewis Said.

You have your middle pad with comes with a soldermask -- and then you just apply a copper shape over that middle pad.

When you use it in your design, the copper shape will need to connected to the same net as the pad.

lewism@pulsonix.com Posted - 08 Dec 2020 : 17:40:47
Hi Walter,

You can add copper to a footprint, and you can associate it with the same net as the pad. If you need help with this please email support@pulsonix.com and we can help you further.
