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 Change all Symbols in Parts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Alderan Schubert Posted - 28 Nov 2013 : 17:43:27
I would like to change all Symbols "MK2" to "xyz" in one way. I don´t aould like to open every part was use the symbol "MK2".

Is ther any Idea ?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve Posted - 29 Nov 2013 : 08:47:50

I am assuming you are asking, how do you ripple through parts libraries, changing one schematic symbol for another. The route to do this, assuming your mapping in each selected part will not be adversely affected by the action, is to run a report on where that symbol is used from library manager, then use its result to create a PGF script using the Library Toolkit for import in the library manager. Refer to http://pulsonix.com/learning.asp for details on the Library Toolkit. Just be careful that the symbol swap does not cause mapping problems!

Pulsonix Assistance
bkamen Posted - 28 Nov 2013 : 20:36:23
If you're talking about a library part,

the part's designator is assigned in the library.

You can edit the part and change the designator.

Then you reload all those particular parts from the library using the reload function.

That'd be one of the easiest ways.
