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 Scrolling gates preview in part editor

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rronge Posted - 27 Jan 2014 : 03:19:07
I would like to find out how to scroll the gates preview pane in the top right corner of part editor. If I have multiple gates they are all displayed one below each other vertically. I can zoom in or zoom out but not scroll and no scrollbars? Zooming around mouse pointer doesn't work well around the borders of the pane.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
steve Posted - 28 Jan 2014 : 09:28:37
If you are going to design using a laptop's touchpad then if you give focus to the graphic window, you can use the keyboard shortcut keys for pan and zoom.

Pulsonix Assistance
rronge Posted - 27 Jan 2014 : 18:26:13
Well, that may be difficult. For some of us who use laptops with touchpad only this is not an option. Try to use the typical touchpad scrolling feature on this and you will see what I am talking about. Good luck!. Please implement the scrollbars, it's a piece of cake in SW.
steve Posted - 27 Jan 2014 : 15:13:11
Use the scroll wheel of your mouse to zoom in and out to parts of the detail.

Pulsonix Assistance