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 Wish: attribute mapping for ODB++ and IPC-2581

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cioma Posted - 26 Aug 2016 : 14:51:22
If I understand correctly at the moment there is a hardcoded mapping between component attributes in Pulsonix and ODB++ (and IPC-2581) component attributes (e.g. Pulsonix <Part Name> is mapped to ODB++ <Part Number>).

It would be great for a user to be able to define attribute mapping between Pulsonix and ODB++ (and IPC-2581) attributes. For example as I use PDC I'd like to map Pulsonix user attribute "Manufacturer Partnumber" to ODB++ attribute <Part Number>.
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lewism@pulsonix.com Posted - 04 Nov 2019 : 10:32:40
Originally posted by feynman

Are there any plans to implement this feature? It seems like IPC-2581 is getting increasingly popular lately (finally).

As of now the Pulsonix Attribute "Value" does not map to the IPC-2581 "Value". At least the value does not show up as "Value" in the WISE 2581 Viewer.


I have logged this on our system, If you are able to send the Pulsonix design and the Pulsonix IPC output to support@pulsonix.com I can add this data to the log to be looked into.

Many thanks

feynman Posted - 02 Nov 2019 : 13:12:14
Are there any plans to implement this feature? It seems like IPC-2581 is getting increasingly popular lately (finally).

As of now the Pulsonix Attribute "Value" does not map to the IPC-2581 "Value". At least the value does not show up as "Value" in the WISE 2581 Viewer.
psxforum Posted - 26 Aug 2016 : 15:02:59
I have added this request to our enhancement database for consideration for a future release.