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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Eizens Posted - 11 Feb 2022 : 10:07:50
Hello, previously I was working with an older Pulsonix version and there I could easily generate Pick and place file by Output -> Report -> Pick and place CSV (or something like that).
Now I got my Pulsonix updated to version 11 and I could not find the Pick and place report.
How to make such a report in Pulsonix 11?
Thank you.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jameshead Posted - 11 Feb 2022 : 15:51:29
One of the easiest ways to come across the issue of missing master library files and missing reports is to install Pulsonix as administrator and select to put program data files with the user documents rather than in the program files folder, so they are installed in the Documents folder for the Administrator login and not the user login.
Eizens Posted - 11 Feb 2022 : 13:04:58
Originally posted by feynman

Pulsonix 11 also ships with format files for pick&place data.

Most likely there is something wrong with your folder settings (Setup -> Folders), i. e. Pulsonix doesn't look in the right place for format files or you have not installed them.

Yes, there was a problem with Setup -> Folders.

My fix was: Setup -> Folders -> Format Files -> Add -> Navigate to .../Documents/Pulsonix11/Formats. After that it found all default formats.

Thank you!
feynman Posted - 11 Feb 2022 : 12:03:14
Pulsonix 11 also ships with format files for pick&place data.

Most likely there is something wrong with your folder settings (Setup -> Folders), i. e. Pulsonix doesn't look in the right place for format files or you have not installed them.