I changed all the testpoint component names in my schematic but on the bottom layer of the PCB they retained old TPxx numbers. How do I update them all to match the component name?
I absolutely synchronized. All the REFDES on top changed, all the TP values on the bottom silkscreen did not change. I also tried turning off the testpoint attribute and turning it back on, it assigned a new number. Like TP37 became TP2, even though the reference designation of this test point component is TP-V33 (which I see in the top silkscreen).
We did this experiment: Enable testpoint on component named TP22, it adopts TP22 for the Testpoint name. Enable testpoint on component named TPx33 and it adopts TP4 for the testpoint name.
We tried several, it is clear that the only way the testpoint adopts the component name is if it strictly follows the format TPnnn where nnn is numeric only.
Although I will say that it is likely to depend on each individual test point whether it is a doc symbol, component or a test point component, we are looking at this very subject at the moment for an open log, so will be back with more detail here on completion.
Could we have a copy of your data for our use with this log, please send it to support@pulsonix.com