What's in Pulsonix 12.5

Pulsonix V12.5

3D Flexi Board Animation

3D Flexi Board Animation
Visualise your flexi board designs using animated 3D bending where bends and curves can be seen moving in real time using realistic animation. Add bend regions to define the bending performance. These regions also define the size and direction/angle of bend as well as providing a Component and Via Keepout area used for DRC checking.

Output STL File for MCAD

Output STL File
In addition to a STEP format file for export, you can export an STL format file. This can be used as an alternative for import to your mechanical CAD system and 3D printers. Both the STEP and STL formats can be exported as a single merged entity. This can be used where individual entities of the PCB are not required.

Interactive graphics using GPU

Interactive graphics using GPU
Further improving the use of GPU for graphics performance, users can now control how much hardware acceleration Pulsonix 12.5 will use. Users can balance their graphics between quality and performance to meet their needs. Also introduced is the ability to draw dynamic items such as display clearances and interactive routines using GPU graphics, thus further improving display performance.

Advanced Technology Rules

Advanced Technology Rules
Pulsonix 12.5 introduces new technology rules and imports that provide greater precision and control over designs. Users can now define thermal and teardrop rules by layer and area, allowing for more detailed and accurate designs.

QR Code Font Generation

Auto-generation of QR Codes
Users can now auto-generate QR codes in Pulsonix using a new Font style, eliminating the need for external imports and allowing QR codes to be added to electrical layers seamlessly. This means QR codes can be added to electrical layers in addition to non-electrical layers.

Complex Rules I/O from CSV file

Complex Rules I/O from CSV file
Complex Spacing rules can be defined externally and imported in the Technology dialog. In addition, Export CSV and Import CSV options have been added to paged where advanced custom rules can be created for High Speed Differential Pairs, Pair Chains and High Speed Signal Paths and sub-Nets.

Vault Enhancements for V12.5

Generic Files into Vault

Loop Antenna Rule
Provided free of charge with the Pulsonix product, this updated version of the Vault releases significant enhancements: Generic Files that are not design or library specific can be stored as part of the Vault system, including file types such as Gerber and Excellon NC Drill files, STEP models, Bill-of-materials (BOMs).

Import Libraries to Vault

Return Path Rule
Further improvements have been made to the Pulsonix Vault, including the ability to import full or partial libraries directly. This means centralised libraries can be managed through the Vault and distributed remotely. All new and modified library data is then managed and audited via this new facility.

Execute Hyperlinks in Vault

New High-Speed Design Rules
You can execute hyperlinks from the Attribute list in the Vault Browser dialog. This means that double-clicking on the link will perform the action associated with it, such as open a web URL, open a PDF file remotely or on your server, or a document associated with the attribute.

Read about the new features in detail in the Pulsonix 12.5 Update Notes

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