There are a number of commands which are specific to Block Instances when using Hierarchy.
Command: Push Into Block
Default Keys: Page Down
Default Menu: Context Menu
Command: Pop Out Of Block
Default Keys: Page Up
Default Menu: Context Menu
Command: Save To Block File
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Context Menu
Command: Regenerate Block Symbol
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Context Menu
Command: Edit Symbol
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Context Menu
Command: Edit Symbol In Place
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Context Menu
Command: SCM Hierarchy Block
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: File
Push Into Block & Pop Out Of Block
These two commands are the fundamental way in which you can navigate the hierarchy of a design. By selecting a Block Instance and using Push Into Block (or double clicking), the first page of the block instance will be opened and brought to the front. Once you are editing a page in a Block Instance, the command Pop Out Of Block will take you back to the page containing the Block Instance Symbol.
New - SCM Hierarchy Block
This command is available from the File menu under the New option. It enables you to create a new Block Instance which can later be used in other schematic designs. The block file should be suitably named and saved in a directory defined as a block folder. Within the Block editor you can access Block, Block Ports and Design Attributes from the Document Properties dialog.
Save To Block File
This command is available from the context menu in a schematic design, when a Block Instance is selected or the current page is within a block instance. It allows you to save the Block Instance as a file which can later be used in other schematic designs. The block file should be suitably named and stored in a directory defined as a block folder. The command is also available within a schematic design when nothing is selected. In this case, the whole design is saved as a block file.
Generated Block Symbols
Adding and Deleting Pins
For a Block Instance created using a Generated Symbol it is possible to add a pin simply by ending a track or bus on the symbol outline. If a number of Block Ports are already defined on the block using Block Ports properties or by Inserting a Block Port inside the block, then you will be offered a list of ports which the new pin can correspond to.
Similarly, you can delete a pin by selecting it and pressing delete.
Regenerate Block Symbol
If you add pins to a Generated Symbol as described above, you may wish to tidy the pins by regenerating the symbol but with the new number of pins. The Regenerate Block Symbol command is available to do this from the context menu. The parameters used to regenerate the symbol are taken from the Design Settings - Block Defaults.
If there are unused pins in the block, you will be asked if they should be deleted before regenerating, meaning only connected pins will be retained.
Additionally, if there are existing pins in the block symbol, there will be an option to reset existing pin positions, returning them to their default positions. Selecting ‘No’ for this option will ensure connections are not disturbed.
Edit Symbol
You may wish to customise a generated symbol further. This is possible using the Edit Symbol command which is available from the context menu. This takes you to a symbol edit window containing the generated symbol. You can perform any of the symbol editing functions. By pressing Save, the symbol on the block instance is changed to the edited symbol. You can also use Save To Library which enables you to save the symbol for future use.
Edit Symbol In Place
If you want to edit a generated symbol without leaving the schematic design window, this can be done using the Edit Symbol In Place command from the context menu for a selected block. The same editing options that are available in the Edit Symbol window can be used in this mode, whilst keeping the symbol in the context of the schematic design. When you are finished editing the generated symbol, use the Exit Edit Symbol In Place command from the context menu to exit the edit mode.
Related Topics
Hierarchy | Folders - Schematic Blocks | Properties - Block Instance | Properties - Block Ports | Insert - Block Instance | Insert - Block Port | Edit Symbol In Place | Generate Block Symbol Specification | Block Properties | Block Ports Properties | Design Attributes