This page can be found on the Define Source dialog when editing a universal source component or part.

Use it to define the magnitude and phase of a source device used when performing an AC Sweep Analysis, Noise Analysis or Transfer Function Analysis.

A simpler alternative to defining a universal source component is to use one of the specific AC Source components.


Default Keys: F7

Command: Edit Spice Value/Model

How To Define An AC Source

Use the Define Source dialog to edit a source device. Click on the AC tab.

The following dialog will be displayed:

Type in the AC magnitude and phase for the source.

This specification has no effect in Transient or DC analyses.

Editing Multiple Components

If any of the fields are set to then some of the components you are changing have different values for that field. Clear this field and enter the required value for all components, or leave as to tell components to keep their original values for that field.

Define Source | DC | Edit Device Type | Noise | Other | Pulse | Sine