Use this option to remove overlaid PCB tracks from a PCB design, or to remove overlaid connections from a Schematics Page. the process of ‘removing’ makes the track or connection overlaid (shared) and it is not physically removed.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Utilities

Command: Share Tracks

Locating this option

Available from: Utilities menu > Share Tracks option

How to share Tracks or Connections

Select the Share Tracks or Share Connections option from the Utilities menu. All overlaid tracks or schematics connections will be merged to share a single path. Any item involved in a merge will be highlighted so that you can see where the sharing has taken place. In schematics designs, new junctions introduced at new T-Junctions will also be highlighted.

If no items were shared a message will be displayed to report this. If some sharing was performed a dialog will be displayed with a count of how many tracks or connections were shared. Press Yes to keep the result, or press No to cancel sharing and return the design back to its original state.

The shared items will be kept highlighted after the operation to enable you to check out any unexpected sharing. Use Remove Highlights from the Edit menu to clear this highlighting from the design.

Where two track segments are being merged and they are different widths, the shared segment will use the larger of the widths.

Automatic Share

You can enable automatic sharing in the Options Edit Connection or Edit Track dialogs. This means that whenever a track or connection is edited, it will be merged with any overlaid tracks or connections on completion.

Options - Auto Share Connections | Options - Auto Share Tracks