Use this dialog to change a page on a Page Link Doc symbol.

For more information about page links see the Linking Schematics Pages help page.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: None

Command: Change Page Link

Locating this option

Available from: Context menu > Change Page Link option

  1. Select the Page Link symbol, or select nothing if the link to change is on the schematics page itself.

  2. Right click and select Change Page from the context menu. The following dialog will appear:

  3. Choose from a name from the list of names of the pages in the schematic, or type the name of a future page to be linked to. If you want to delete the page link, leave the Page: field blank.

  4. Use Show Page Name to alter the visible state of the Page Link. The name can be switched back on again by using this dialog again and toggling the check box.

  5. Press OK to change the Page Link.

Linking Schematics Pages | Jump To Page