This page can be found on the Define Source dialog.
Use it to directly define the SPICE command for a Source device. For example a Piece Wise Linear Source, Exponential Source or a Single Frequency FM Source.
Default Keys: F7
Command: Edit Spice Value/Model
How To Define A Source’s Signal
Use the Define Source dialog to edit a source device. Click on the Other tab.
The following dialog will be displayed:
This is used to enter stimulus sources not directly supported by other source pages. Here, the raw text command to specify a source can be entered.
The following three source commands can be specified:-
Piece Wise Linear Source
pwl ( T1 V1 [T2 V2 [T3 V3 [… ]]] )
Each pair of values (Ti Vi) specifies that the value of the source is Vi at time = Ti. The value of the source at intermediate values of time is determined by using linear interpolation on the input values.
Exponential Source
exp ( V1 V2 [TD1 [TAU1 [TD2 [TAU2 ]]]] )
V1�������Initial value (Volts or amps).
V2�������Pulsed value (Volts or amps).
TD1�����Rise delay time. Default if omitted is zero.
TAU1���Rise time constant. Default if omitted or zero is the Time step.
TD2�����Fall delay time. Default if omitted or zero is TD1 + Time step.
TAU2���Fall time constant. Default if omitted or zero is the Time step.
The Time step is specified in the Transient Analysis.
Single Frequency FM Source
sffm ( VO VA [FC [MDI [FS ]]] )
Defined by:
V(t) = VO + VA.sin[2.p.FC.t+MDI.sin(2.p.FS.t)]
VO�����Offset (Volts or amps).
VA������Amplitude (Volts or amps).
FC�����Carrier frequency (Hz). Default if omitted or zero is 1/Stop time.
MDI����Modulation index. Default if omitted is 0.
FS������Signal frequency (Hz). Default if omitted or zero is 1/Stop time.
The Stop time is the end time of the Transient Analysis.
Editing Multiple Components
If the description is set to
Related Topics
Define Source | AC Source | DC Source | Edit Device Type | Noise Source | Pulse Source | Sine Source | Transient Analysis