When using the “List of” commands to report a list of items, you can report some information about the processing of the list itself. The list field commands are found in the middle section of the command list to the left of the Report Maker dialog. Double click on the command, or press the Add button to put a command into the command script. The commands available are:
- List - Current Item
- List - Is Empty
- List - New Line If Full
- List - Reported Count
- List - Total Count
These are described in detail below.
Editing a “List Field” Command
Double click on a List Field command in the script, or press the Edit button to display the Edit List Field command dialog for you to define which list field to report and which “List Of …” command to report the field for.
List - Current Item No.
This reports the position within the list of the current item , starting with one for the first item in the list. This is most often used to report certain fields when the first item in a list is reported, that does not want to get reported for subsequent items.
List - Is Empty.
This reports “true” if the List Total Count (see below) is zero.
List - New Line If Full
This command will put out a new line after every ‘n’ items in list have been reported, where ‘n’ is supplied by the you using the New Line If Full Command dialog.
List - Total Count
This reports the total number of items in the list. For example, when used with a List Of Components command at the top level of the script, it reports the total number of components in the design. It can be used before a list of items is reported or after the reporting has completed by placing the command before or after the relevant “List Of” command in the script.
An example of using this command is to test against the List - Current Item No. value to see if the current item being reported is the last item in the list. If it is, you may wish to report some commands to complete the list report.
List - Reported Count
This reports the number of items in the list that will be, or has just been reported. It can be used before a list of items is reported or after the reporting has completed by placing the command before or after the relevant “List Of” command in the script.
This differs from the Total Count list command in that it does not include items in the list that are not reported. For example an If command may be used to only report items if they satisfy a certain condition.
This command is most often used in outputs that need a count of the number of items prior to the list of items itself, or in reports that include a summary after the items have been reported.
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Commands | Edit List Field | “List of” commands | New Line If Full Command | Report Maker