Personalise the menus and toolbars in Pulsonix using this dialog.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Tools

Command: Customise

Locating this option

Available from: Tools menu > Customise option

How to use the Options Dialog

The Options tab is used to set up program details and how it will operate.


Show ScreenTips on toolbars

This specifies whether or not tooltips are to be shown when the mouse pointer is over toolbar buttons.

Show shortcut keys in ScreenTips on toolbars

This specifies whether or not the tooltips should include equivalent shortcut keys for toolbar buttons where defined.

Large Icons

This option has been replaced by the Toolbar Icon Scale slider on the Application Look tab page.

Personalised Menus and Toolbars

This specifies whether to initially show short versions of the menus containing only basic and frequently used commands. Once displayed a menu may be expanded to its full version by clicking, or pausing, the mouse on the ‘Show All’ button at the bottom of the menu.

Show full menus after a short delay

This specifies whether to automatically show all the menu commands on the menu after a brief delay when you rest the pointer on an open menu.

Reset my usage data

This resets the menu commands shown on the short version of a menu to the original set. It does not change the location of toolbars, nor reset any any buttons or commands moved, added or removed by using customise.

Auto-Hide Windows

Auto-hide window after n seconds

This allows adjustment to the length of time that lapses before an auto-hide window slides out of view. the default setting for this is 0.7 (seconds).

Customise Dialog Tabs

Customise Dialog

Commands tab

Toolbars tab

Tools tab

Menu tab

Keyboard tab

Application Look tab

Options tab (this page)

Workbook Mode | Status Bar | Toolbars