This option allows the current program configuration to be saved to a named file.

It saves all the program settings currently stored in the System Registry, and is only available when no design files are loaded.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: File

Command: None

Locating this option

Available from: File menu > Save Configuration option

What Information Is Contained In A Configuration File?

You can save either a complete or a partial configuration file, by selecting the required options from the Save Configuration dialog. If you choose to save a complete configuration file, then this file contains everything relating to the version of Pulsonix you are running, as stored in your system registry, such as:

  • Folder Paths
  • Options (all options set in the Options dialog)
  • Customisation information such as shortcut keys, toolbars etc.

If there are application settings that you have not yet changed from their default (in-built) values, then these will not appear in your Registry and will therefore not be included in the Configuration file.

How to Save a Configuration

With no design files loaded, from the File menu, select Save Configuration.

To choose the file name, click on the button ”…“. A standard File Save dialog will be displayed allowing you to specify the file to which the current configuration should be saved.

Use the radio buttons to toggle between a complete file, and one containing only specific elements of the application settings. You can choose which elements to save by checking the relevant boxes in the list displayed on the dialog.

Once the name and location of the file have been specified and you have chosen your output options, click the Save button to save the configuration.

The saved file may be reloaded at any time, using the Load Configuration option, to restore the program settings saved in that file to as they were when the configuration was saved.

Load Configuration