The Plot Wizard is used to create new CAM Plots and edit existing ones.

Using the Wizard

The Plot Wizard is used to create new CAM plots. As with all Wizards, each aspect of a plot is presented on a separate page, allowing the Wizard to guide you through the steps needed to create a new plot. Once the information has been collected, the Finish page shows a summary of the contents of the plot that the Wizard is about to create.

As well as creating new plots, the Wizard is also used to edit existing plots. If you select any field of an existing plot on the main CAM Plots grid and press Edit, the Plot Wizard is pre-loaded with the information from the selected plot before being displayed on the screen. You can then modify the items you wish to change before returning to the main CAM Plots page. This is also true when you press New, allowing you to create a new plot based on an existing one.

If you are defining an additional layer, then the wizard is simplified.

Plot Wizard Pages

Start | Process | Output | Size | Position | Offset | Finish

CAM Plots | Using Wizards