This is a basic tool for converting numbers from one unit or notation to another.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Utilities

Command: Design Calculators

Locating this option

Available from: Utilities menu > Design Calculators option

Using the Conversion Calculator

This calculator is on a tab on the Design Calculators dialog, available from the Utilities menu. The following dialog appears when the Convert tab is selected.

Basic Conversion

Choose the Type of value you are converting, “Length” or “Angle” for example.

Enter the original value to be converted into the From exit box, and select the units you are converting from using the drop down list to its right.

Select the units you are converting to from the drop down list to the right of the edit box labelled To.

The converted value will be displayed in the To edit box. It will also be entered automatically into the Floating Point Notation edit boxes to show the value using different numeric notations.

Floating Point Notation

Enter the number in the edit box using any notation you require. The number will then be shown in each of the different floating point notations. The Precision for the decimal point notation can be entered to set the number of decimal places shown after the decimal point.

Note: Several of the other calculators will automatically set these values to their result when used.

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