The Insert Block Instance option is used to insert a Block Instance, either an existing block design or a generated block.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Insert
Command: Insert Block Instance
Locating this option
Available from: Insert menu > Insert Block Instance option
How To Insert A Block Instance
Selecting the block
If the block already exists as a block design, select Use Existing Block. You can then choose the folder, and use the filter options to locate the block you are looking for. The folders are those defined on the Folders - Schematic Blocks page.
If you want to generate a new block, select Generate New Block, the generated block will not contain any circuitry.
Defining the Block
For an existing block, just select it from the list of block names. The number of pins and the description are predefined in the block design.
For a generated symbol, you must specify a block name, unique within the design. You must then specify the number of pins and an optional description.
Selecting the Symbol
An existing block may already have a symbol defined for it. For generated symbols, it is possible to select an existing block symbol by selecting From Library and pressing the Change button.
If the symbol is to be generated, the parameters describing how the symbol will look are taken from the Design Settings - Block Defaults. If you want a different appearance for a particular block symbol, you can specify the parameters to use by pressing the Specify button. The values entered here will be used whilst in the current Add Block Instance session, but will be reset to the defaults the next time the option is used.
Defining the Instance Name
The instance name must be unique amongst the block instances in the design.
Multiply Instanced
To add Multiple Instances you must first enable the option in Design Settings. Then, Existing Blocks are always added multiply instanced. For Generated blocks, they are normally not multiply instanced, but you can set this option so that the new blocks are multiply instanced.
Related Topics
Properties - Block Instance | Generate Block Symbol Specification | Hierarchy Overview Insert - Block Port | Block Instance Overview