Save to Library is available when in the Symbol and Footprint library editors to save the current symbol to the corresponding library (symbol or footprint).

Once in a library the symbol or footprint can be used by a part which can then be added to a PCB or Schematic design.

Do not use Save or Save As to save the symbol to library. Save and Save As are used to save the symbol to a symbol file, which can be read into a library file at a later time.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: File

Command: Save To Library

Locating this option

Available from: File menu > Save To Library option

Save To Library Dialog

When the Save To Library option is run the following dialog is displayed:


Choose the library that you wish to write the symbol or footprint to.


Type the name for the symbol or footprint in the library.

Embedded Component

Check this option to allow the component to be placed on inner layers (assuming an appropriately defined layer stack).


Use the dropdown list to define the mirror state when adding this footprint to a design. Not Mirrored means the footprint will not be mirrored, Mirrored means it will be mirrored.

The normal state is Mirror Undefined - it’s mirror state is determined elsewhere.

Designed Mirrored

If this box is checked, the orientation of the footprint, as defined in the editor, is the mirrored state. It is likely that you will also want to set the Mirrored state as described above.

The normal state is to leave this box unchecked.

Create a new part

This option allows you automatically create a part that uses the symbol or footprint, and add it to a library ready for inserting into a PCB or Schematic design.

Checking this box opens up the rest of the dialog as follows:-

Save the part to the library

Saves the new part into the chosen Parts library with the specified name.

Edit the part now

Loads the new part to a Part Editor window for immediate editing. Use this option if you wish to complete the part. For example, adding a footprint to go with the symbol being saved.

Libraries | Parts Editor | Insert Component