If you have added some User Reports and then changed the design so that the reports are out of date, you can update them using this option (all user reports will be updated). You do not normally need to do this when plotting because it is done automatically on all user reports which have the Update report before plotting design option checked.

Note: each User Report symbol retains a copy of the report format file which it was generated from. This means that the design is self-contained and can be used even when the original Report Maker file is not available. It also means that you must explicitly Reload the report definition if you have changed it through Report Maker.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: Utilities

Command: Update All User Reports

Locating this option

Available from: Utilities > Update All User Reports option

Using this option

Use it to run all reports in the design and update the contents of their symbols. The formatting commands used to generate the report contents is held in each symbol, so the format file does not have to be available for this to work.

Default Keys: None

Command: Update User Report

This is performs the same operation as the previous option, but acts on the selected user report symbol. Select a user report symbol and right click to find this option on the shortcut menu.

Default Keys: None

Command: Reload User Report

Use this to reload the formatting commands for a user report symbol from a format file after a change to the format using the Report Maker. Select a user report symbol and right click to find this option on the shortcut menu.

Insert User Report | Properties - User Reports | Report Maker | Plots