The PCB Design Wizard is used to start a new PCB Design. It allows you to set up basic parameters about the PCB such as the Technology used, Board Profile, and Layers.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: File

Command: PCB Design Wizard

Locating this option

Available from: File menu > New option > Wizards tab. It is also available as an icon on the PCB Wizard toolbar, next to the other wizard icons.

Using this Wizard

The PCB Design Wizard breaks down the process of creating a new PCB Design into a series of steps. Each step is presented in turn on a separate wizard page. Complete each step then move onto the next one until you reach the Finish page. At any time as you progress, the preview window will give you an idea of what your final panel will look like.

Start Page

The Start page of the PCB Design Wizard is your initial page when the wizard is initiated.

Technology Page

The Technology page allows you to specify your technology requirements for defining your PCB Design. As with the rest of the application, the PCB Design Wizard utilises Technology Files as a means of applying a consistent set of CAM/Plots, styles, rules and constraints to the design process.

Use Default Technology: Use this option to use the default technology in your design.

Use a Technology File: Use this option to specify a technology file to be used in your design. You can layer decided whether to use the layers from this technology file, or to define your own.

Units: You can choose the units to define this PCB Design. These will be the units used in subsequent steps and will be the units used in your design. Obviously the most important choice is between Imperial and Metric units. They will be initialised to the units in the chosen technology file.

Layers Page

The Layers page allows you to define the layers in your PCB design.

Use Layers From Chosen Technology File: Use this option to use the layers defined in the technology file specified on the Technology page of the wizard.

Define Layers: Use this option to define your own layers to be used in your design. Use the following options to customise which layers are added:

  • Electrical Layers: This allows you to specify how many electrical layers should be added to your design.

  • Power Plane Layers: If your design has more than two electrical layers you may choose to make the inner layers pure planes in the Power Plane section. To do this, check the box next to the layer to convert and choose the net for the plane (these nets are defined in the chosen technology file). If no net is entered at this stage, then no connection will be made until a net is associated with the Power Plane. This can be done later in Technology - Layers Page.

  • Paste Mask For SMT: If your design is to have surface mounted components, you can check the Paste Mask boxes for the sides that the components will be inserted on.

  • Assembly: Check the boxes to create a layer to represent assembly on the top and bottom layers.

  • Solder Mask: Check the boxes to create a layer to represent a solder mask on the top and bottom layers.

  • Silkscreen: Check the boxes to create a layer to represent a silkscreen on the top and bottom layers. This layer is used for displaying component names and values.

  • Auto Routing Bias: Specify the routing direction for the top layer. This is the direction the automatic router will use on this layer. Other layers will alternate the direction on each layer in order.

    Use Allow Routes to specify if the autorouter can place routes on the top side, bottom side or (if more than two inner layers) on inner layers. One of these checkboxes must be selected to be able to continue.

Board Page

The Board Page allows you to define the dimensions of the board outline for your new PCB Design.

Define Board Size: Choose this option to directly enter the dimensions of the board. Type the height and width of the board using the units indicated, or include the units after the dimension. e.g. 24cm. Check the circular box if a circular board is required.

Use this profile: Use this option to select a profile to be used in your design. If the selected profile includes items on layers that were not defined in the layers page, these items will not be included in your design. Click on the Browse button to locate the profile you wish to use.

Copy Board Outline From Another File: Choose this option to use the board outline from a previously saved design. Click on the Browse button to locate the PCB Design that contains the board outline you want to use.

A preview window of the defined or chosen board is displayed to help confirm that your board is correct.

Finish Page

Once satisfied that the PCB is created as required, use the Finish page to create the PCB Design.

Type the Design Name of the PCB. When the Finish button is pressed, the PCB design will open using this name. At this point the design has not been saved; only created with a name.

Check the Save the PCB design to a file box if you wish to save the PCB design to a file. Use the Browse button to choose the save location. When the Finish button is pressed, the PCB design is saved using the typed name and opened.

New - Wizards Tab | Insert PCB Design | PCB Technology | PCB Profile