Use this dialog to define alternate attribute names to be searched to extract an attribute value to be reported.
This dialog is useful when you may have a mix of attributes which provide the same sort of value, an example of this could be a resistor value. The attribute name could be one of Value or R for example, using this dialog allows you to select the alternate if specified.
The first attribute name in the dialog has been passed through from the main dialog. For the selection of alternate
attributes click each of the Or buttons and select the attribute name. Attribute names shown in brackets
Where alternate attributes have been selected, when the report is run, if the item contains more than one of the attribute names, only the first name found will be reported. So if the resistor has Value and R values, only Value (if that name is first in the list) will be reported.
Related Topics
Report Maker | Generate Reports | Angles | Attributes | Set Alternate Attributes | Component Group List | Coordinates | Fixed Commands | If | List | List Field | Position | Value | Variable | While