The Join Open Shapes command will join adjacent ends of selected open documentation or copper shapes.
Default Keys: None
Default Menu: Context menu
Command: Join Open Shapes
Locating this option
Available from: Context menu > Join Open Shapes option.
How to use Join Open Shapes
Select a number of open shapes with the same properties (the shapes must be of the same type, on the same layer and net, and have the same line width). Select the Join Open Shapes option from the context menu. the ends of the selected shapes will be joined where they are within a tolerance defined in the Interaction Preferences. If the ends are not at the same position a small extra shape segment will be added between the ends to join the shapes.
This function can be used to join shapes that have not been joined after Gerber or DXF Import because their ends are too far apart. If the shapes to be joined form a complete loop with no crossing lines, the resultant shape will be closed.