These commands are used to report information from a layer in the design, for example, Name, Bias, Material etc. They are used when using the List Of Layers command on a design.

Using the dialog

These commands use the standard Edit Value command dialog. The dialog will allow you to make selections using the Value: field for the commands required.

Are Buried Comps Allowed

This reports “true” if buried components are allowed on an electrical layer.

Are Normal Comps Allowed

This reports “true” if normal components are allowed on an electrical layer.

Are Comps Mirrored

This reports “true” if the current layer is electrical, can have components and is bottom facing.

Associated To Layer

The name of the reference layer that the current layer is associated with.


The routing bias from the current layer.


The name of the layer class defined for the current layer.

Is Physical Copper Layer

This reports “true” if the layer class of the current layer is type Electrical and marked as being a Physical Copper Layer.

Is Essential Class

This reports “true” if the layer class of the current layer is type Electrical, or type Non-Electrical and marked as being essential to manufacture.

Is Top Facing

This reports “true” if the current layer is top facing and “false” if it is bottom facing. Only relevant if the layer is an electrical layer and can have associated layers.

Layer Depth

The depth of the current layer.

Layer Name

The name of the current layer.


The material from which the current layer is made.

Net Name

Only relevant if the current layer has bias of “Power Plane”, the Net Name reports the signal carried by this layer.


Reports the position of the current layer in the design layer list.


Reports the side of the current layer, “Top”, “Bottom”, “Inner” or “None”.


The thickness of the material used by the current layer.


The type of the current layer, extracted from its layer class.

Via Attached To

This command is only available if the List of Layers command is within a List Of Vias command. It will report what the current via is attached to on the current layer, in the same way as reported in the Via Properties dialog.

Commands | Report Maker