This option allows a previously saved program configuration to be reloaded from a named file.

It reloads settings for all design types and is only available when no design files are loaded.


Default Keys: None

Default Menu: File

Command: None

Locating this option

Available from: File menu > Load Configuration option

What Information Is Contained In A Configuration File?

A ‘complete’ Configuration file contains all the settings for the Pulsonix application as stored in the system Registry of the computer on which the configuration file was saved, including:

  • Folder Paths
  • Options (all options set in the Options dialog)
  • Customisation information such as shortcut keys, toolbars etc.

A ‘partial’ Configuration file will contain only those settings relating to the choices made on the Save Configuration dialog when the file was written.

How to Load a Configuration File

With no design files loaded, from the File menu on the Menu Bar, select Load Configuration.

A dialog similar to the standard Open dialog will be displayed allowing you to select the file containing the configuration you wish to load.

Once the required file has been selected, click the Open button to load the configuration.

If the file is a ‘complete’ configuration file, you will be prompted to confirm restoring the entire file to replace all the program settings currently defined in the Registry with those specified in the file. You will also have the option to save out the current settings as a Configuration file (with a suffix of “_backup”) before the chosen file is loaded into the Registry.

Modifying Configuration Files

A configuration file previously saved using the Save Configuration option should not be modified in any way otherwise the results may be unpredictable. The information contained in the file is syntax-checked as it is loaded, but if you edit the file it may result in the Pulsonix application becoming unstable or producing incorrect results.

Save Configuration